Nobel Peace Prize award to Hibakusha Organisation

We send our warmest congratulations!

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize to Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese organization representing survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, known as Hibakusha. We offer our enthusiastic congratulations. 

Quotes from the citation

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said in its citation the group was receiving the Peace Prize for “its efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons and for demonstrating through witness testimony that nuclear weapons must never be used again”.

“The hibakusha help us to describe the indescribable, to think the unthinkable, and to somehow grasp the incomprehensible pain and suffering caused by nuclear weapons,” the committee said.

Nihon Hidankyo is the winner of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize

Hiroshima Day Committee Media Release

Media Release


Congratulations to Nihon Hidankyo

The Sydney Hiroshima Day Committee which has been commemorating the atrocious bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for over 60 years in this city congratulates the Nihon Hidankyo group of Japan.  This grassroots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki who are also known as Hibakusha, have won the Nobel Peace Prize for this year.

The Hibakusha motto of there never being another use of atomic or nuclear weapons has been accepted by our committee since its inception, Hiroshima/Nagasaki never again’. 

The Hibakusha have spread their message all over the world, working for peace and harmony between all the people of the world.  Each year in Hiroshima and Nagasaki the victims of this terrible bombing are commemorated.

This year Mayor of Nagasaki invited all the ambassadors who presently reside in Japan to his city to remember the victims of the 1945 bombing by the USA but he expressly forbad the Russian, the Belarusian and Israeli ambassadors on the grounds that these countries were currently prosecuting wars in their countries or with their neighbours.  The G7 countries boycotted the service claiming Israel had been victimized and apparently Australia joined in with them only sending a junior official of the Australian Embassy in Tokyo.

“We have sought an explanation from the Foreign Minister for this grievous slight of the people of Nagasaki and the Hibakusha of that city.  So far there has been no response.” Said Denis Doherty of the Hiroshima Day Committee.

“Australia’s DFAT must feel very embarrassed now that the world’s focus is on the issue of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its victims when just a few short weeks ago they boycotted the commemoration of Nagasaki to please the G7 countries and protect Israel.

“Israel’s vicious and indiscriminate war on civilians stands in stark contrast to the values Nihon Hidankyo who work for peace and harmony in the world.

“The grassroots movement for the prohibition of nuclear weapons is strengthened by this decision and now puts pressure on our government to sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of nuclear weapons (TPNW).

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Statement 2024

We are here to remember that on August 6 and 9, 1945, 79 years ago, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Almost 200,000 men, women and children were killed instantly and many thousands more died later of burns or radiation sickness. 

We are here to remember those who died in this horrific event and to remember all victims of nuclear war preparations including those who lived on Pacific Islands and our own first nations people who died during British testing. 

Since that terrible event, France, Britian, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Israel have acquired nuclear weapons. 

We say that no country should ever have nuclear weapons.

Civil Society has pushed back against nuclear weapons and an organisation founded in Melbourne – the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons ICAN – has successfully got the UN to pass the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  So far 70 States have ratified this treaty.

We demand that the Australian Government ratify the UN treaty to ban Nuclear Weapons, reject the AUKUS nuclear powered submarines and reject the Opposition’s proposal for nuclear power reactors on 7 sites. 

Australia is supporting wars and preparing for war instead of concentrating on solving the social issues in Australia and the region.

There are no victors or vanquished in a nuclear war.

Today we solemnly vow to do everything we can to make sure that Hiroshima and Nagasaki never happen again.

Get Active in 2024

The Australian Peace Movement, the Sydney part of it needs to be more active and united as we face the prospect of more wars and more divergence of resources away from our needs to the needs of the arms industry lobby. 

Need for Committee Members

Hiroshima Day Committee meets from May to August every year and needs more people on its committee as people are getting older and less able to devote energy to this project.  In short we need new committee members.

Contact us:

Other peace groups in Sydney

  1. Australian Anti-Bases Campaign – aims to close US bases in Australia such as Pine Gap etc as well as campaigning for an end to the US-Australia alliance.  Covers issues such as the arms trade, military exercises and the like.

Visit their web page: , or email

  1. Sydney Anti-Aukus Coalition (SAAC) -is the local campaign against AUKUS which includes the nuclear powered submarines and other aspects of the relationship with the US military.

Visit their facebook page: SydAntiAukusCoalition

Hiroshima/Nagasaki media release 2 2023

On Hiroshima Day peace groups call for Govt to abandon AUKUS

“On Hiroshima Day, 6 August, we call on the Albanese Government to announce the cancellation of the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal and steps to promote peace and co-operation within our region and globally,” Denis Doherty from the Hiroshima Day Committee said in Sydney today.

“These submarines will cost an eye watering $386 billion or $32 million every day for the next 30 years, adding 1.6 per cent to our GDP.

“This exorbitant cost inevitably means the government will have to raid other portfolios such as environment, health, housing and education. It is simply not acceptable that we suffer because of US ambitions to remain top dog in the region,” Doherty said.

“Many of our regional neighbours are deeply concerned by AUKUS, criticising it as destabilising and a threat to their security. They carry the scars of the nuclear age and want the Treaty of Rarotonga observed so that the Pacific is nuclear free.

“The submarines will produce high level nuclear waste which the government has agreed to store for around 200,000 years.  No country in the world has yet found a way to store high level radioactive waste so is the government going to simply dump it on Indigenous land?

“Australia is losing its ability to be a nuclear free country and to comply with the provisions of the non-proliferation treaty. And the Albanese Government still has not honoured its commitment to sign the Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

“Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the almost quarter of a million men, women and children who perished there, give us a bitter history lesson on the nuclear age. Yet the AUKUS deal has opened up the prospect of more Hiroshima in our country, only this time both sides will have nuclear weapons,”. Denis Doherty concluded.

The 78th anniversary of Hiroshima will be commemorated in many cities and towns around Australia on August 6

Details of the Sydney event are:

Sunday August 6 at 2 pm in Town Hall Square.

Speakers will be followed by a procession to the Defence Department at 320 Pitt St where wreaths for the victims of nuclear weapons and nuclear testing will be laid.

Virginia Class

Media Release 1 for Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day Aug 6

Media release for Friday 4th August 2023

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day August 6th

The nuclear doomsday clock stands at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest the risk of nuclear holocaust has ever been. Yet Australia is planning to buy nuclear submarines and is handing over tracts of our north for the US military to use against China. 

78 years ago, two atomic bombs destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nearly a quarter of million were incinerated and countless people have died in the following years. 

“As Sydneysiders gather to commemorate the nuclear victims, we will also be demanding a nuclear free Australia,” said veteran peace activist Denis Doherty. 

“We do not want Alice Springs, Darwin and Katherine to become new Hiroshimas. 

“We do not want $32 million spent every day for 30 years on submarines when we need to deal with climate change, underpaid nurses and teachers and many more needs. 

“The US is building aggressive alliances including the QUAD and AUKUS and recent efforts to bring NATO into our region. But we need peace in our region,” he said. 

The survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – the “hibakusha” — say from deep pain that “human life and nuclear weapons cannot exist together.” 

Hiroshima Day will be commemorated in many cities and towns around Australia on August 6.
Details of the Sydney event are

Sunday August 6 at 2 pm in Town Hall Square. 

Speakers will be followed by a procession to the Defence Department at 320 Pitt St where wreaths for the victims of nuclear weapons and nuclear testing will be laid. 

Nothing will accelerate global warming like a nuclear war

Media Release

2nd August 2019

This is an image from WW1 but is used here to illustrate how much of the world would look after a nuclear exchange.

Nuclear weapons pose the single biggest threat to the Earth’s environment.  Even a small-scale war would quickly devastate the world’s climate and ecosystems, causing damage that would last for more than a decade.

Detonating between 50 and 100 bombs – just 0.03% of the world’s arsenal -would throw enough soot into the atmosphere to create climactic anomalies unprecedented in human history.

The effects would be much greater than global warming and anything that has happened in history with regards to volcanic eruptions.

Tens of millions of people would die; global temperatures would crash and most of the world would be unable to grow crops for more than five years after the conflict.

In addition, the ozone layer, which protects the surface of the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation, would be depleted by 40% over many inhabited areas and up to 70% at the poles.

“We can’t risk nuclear war as nothing ruins the environment like war.  Hiroshima and Nagasaki were reduced to rubble instantly by nuclear weapons,”  Denis Doherty from the Hiroshima Day Committee said.

“It is a tragedy that the world still needs to understand the possibility of doomsday.

“We cannot sit by and do nothing with the United States building new nuclear weapons, threatening to use them in pre-emptive strikes and planning to put them into space.

“We will be speaking out tomorrow at the Hiroshima Day remembrance to play our part in saving the future.”  Mr. Doherty said.

For more information contact:

Denis Doherty, Hiroshima Day Committee on 0418 290 663

Saturday 3 August

Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park

12 – rally followed by march to PM’s office

Speakers: Dr Keith Suter, Hector Ramage, David Shoebridge MLC

Nuclear weapons cost too much Media Release no 2 Hiroshima Day 2019

Media Release

Aug 2, 2019

Hiroshima Day no 2

Nuclear weapons cost too much

Over the next 10 years, governments will spend a staggering US$1 trillion on nuclear weapons globally – that is US $100 billion annually.

Against the backdrop of increasing budgetary austerity and widespread cuts in health and social spending, such allocations for weapons systems appear not only exorbitant, but also counter to the economic and social needs of the nuclear armed States.

In order to spend such large budgets on nuclear weapons, they are forced to reduce the budgets in other areas such as health, education, environmental protection and welfare.

Zulifkar Ali Bhutto, architect of Pakistan’s atomic program acknowledged this ‘opportunity cost’ of nuclear weapons programs, asserting that “if India builds the bomb, we will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own.”

Overseas development aid from the nuclear armed States to the developing countries remains way under the agreed target of 0.7% of GDP, a target which could easily be reached if the funding for nuclear weapons was re-directed towards development aid.

Most of the nuclear weapons money goes to private companies which are awarded contracts to manufacture, modernize and maintain nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles.

For these companies, the bloated budgets are in their interests.  Indeed, the companies actively lobby their own parliaments and governments to continue allocating the funds to nuclear weapons.  And they support think tanks and other public initiatives to promote the ‘need’ for nuclear weapons maintenance, modernisation or expansion.

On Saturday we will be calling for the Australian Government to help reverse this doomsday scenario by signing the United Nations treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, signed by 123 countries.


Saturday 3 August

Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park

12 – rally followed by march to PM’s office

Speakers: Dr Keith Suter, Hector Ramage, David Shoebridge MLC


Nuclear Danger from forgetting the past Media release 1 2019

Nuclear danger from forgetting the past


August 6 and August 8 1945 were the days when the first nuclear weapons were used by the USA on two cities in Japan, killing 200,000 people. These days are marked all over the world with “Never Again” rallies, public meetings, concerts and other events. In Sydney our major event will begin at 12 noon on Saturday 3 August.

In 2019, just 74 years after the devastating first use of these nuclear bombs, most of Australia has forgotten that to use or threaten to use these atomic bombs is a crime against humanity.

Most of Australia has forgotten that the human and environmental devastation caused by these weapons is so grossly out of proportion to a civilised nation’s values and so threatening to our entire planet that they should be immediately eliminated for all time.

This collective amnesia opens the way for the current debate about the possibility of Australia adopting nuclear power and even nuclear weapons.

This would be a terrifying step backwards for the more nuclear weapons, the more likely thy will end up in the hands of terrorists and the more likely it is that they will be used by accident or design.

The lesson of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is just as true now as it ever was. A nuclear conflict must never happen, and no country can legitimately hold nuclear weapons ready for war.  The only answer to the nuclear threat is to abolish all weapons.

Saturday 3 August

Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park

12 – rally followed by march to PM’s office

Speakers: Dr Keith Suter, Hector Ramage, David Shoebridge MLC

Lisa Natividad arrives in Sydney

A highly respected indigenous Chamoru woman from the US colony of Guam will be in Sydney on Wednesday 31 August.

Dr. Lisa Natividad is the President of the Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice and has shared Guahan’s plight with militarization in countries all over the world and at the United Nations.. She is an Associate Professor of social work at the University of Guam.

The Pacific atoll of Guam lies on the edge of the South China Sea, currently s focus of US-China rivalry.

Well over half of Guam has been turned into a US naval, airforce and Marine base which has been described as the tip of the US spear aimed at China.

Guam is part of the Marianas islands which were the site of 47 US nuclear tests in the 1950s and 1960s. Some tests led to radioactive fallout contaminating the area with appalling effects on the health of the community and considerable environmental damage.

Dr Natividad will speak at a public meeting on “The Anti-Nuclear Struggle in the Pacific –The Perspective from Guam at 6.30pm at the NSW Teachers Federation, 23-33 Mary Street, Surry Hills.

For more information and interviews,

contact Dr Hannah Middleton on 0418 668 098

Report on Joseph Gerson tour 2018

Report on the Joseph Gerson tour

The 2018 Hiroshima Day celebration was planned to be dominated by the presence of a powerful and energetic speaker from overseas so that some media discussion of nuclear disarmament could take place. Joseph Gerson fitted the bill so we set about encouraging him to come to Australia.  He was delayed due to his commitments in Hiroshima and Nagasaki so we put our events back to August 11.

Joseph has experience over many years in the peace movement, and is currently the Vice-President of the International Peace Bureau and President of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security.

Financial support

The Sydney Hiroshima Day Committee is most grateful for the financial support received from the NSW Quakers and PND. Their donations were sufficient to cover internal travel and living expenses. The HDC paid the international flights.

Financially we raised enough money to continue our work another year!  At present our balance is near $5,000.


The rally in Sydney was about the same size as in previous years but had the most powerful platform. We had an overseas speaker of some standing and a double Nobel peace prize winner in Prof Tilman Ruff from ICAN.

The speeches were really of a high quality and many participants expressed their gratitude to the speakers and to us for organising it.


Joseph spoke at a dinner and at a small demo in Brisbane


report from organisers David Purnell and Kathryn Kelly, IPAN (ACT)

Joseph Gerson  visited Canberra from 12-14 August 2018. On 13 August he met with ALP Senator Lisa Singh, Greens Senators Peter Whish-Wilson and Janet Rice, and ALP MP Sharon Claydon, and several staff/advisers at Parliament House. He supported their efforts to get Australia to change its position, and to sign and ratify the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty passed  by the UN in 2017 by a large majority (122 nations). He stressed the critical importance of reversing the nuclear arms race at a time when threats to use nuclear weapons are greater than ever.

Later in the day he spoke at the ANU College of Law to a public meeting, attended by around 30 people, outlining the history of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the failure of the nuclear weapons states to live up to their promise to move towards the elimination of nuclear weapons, in response to other nations foregoing acquiring nuclear weapons. He urged us to work for Australia (as a middle power and part of the US ‘nuclear umbrella’) to support the ban treaty, as an example to other nations (eg NATO countries) that have not already signed.

In the evening Joseph was welcomed to a shared meal at the Canberra Quaker Meeting House by around 25 Quakers and others. He spoke further about the dangers posed to the world by nuclear weapons as well as climate change, and gave examples of work done to promote dialogue across ideological and national divides.

It was inspiring to have Joseph among us, able to share such a wide range of knowledge and commitment to peacemaking.

report from Romina Beitseen, CICD

Joseph Gerson visited Melbourne from 14-16 August 2018 as guest of the CICD with the sponsorship of IPAN Victoria, Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church, Pax Christi and Quakers.

Joseph arrived in Melbourne on Tuesday 14 August at 12.00 noon.  We had time to have a quick look at the Queen Victoria Market and lunch before heading to a 2.30 pm meeting with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

The meeting was attended by around 14 people. Joseph reported on his attendance at the 2018 World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs in Japan.  He said for the last 34 years he has been attending the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

He briefly spoke about his involvement over many years in the peace movement. He also reported on his visit to Brisbane and Canberra and his meeting with Labour and Greens members of Parliament. He said he supports their efforts to get Australia to change its position, and to sign and ratify the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty passed by the UN in 2017.

Joseph stressed the importance of reversing the nuclear arms race by campaigning and lobbying the politicians in particular around time of elections. He said 75% of ALP MP’s have signed a letter in support of the UN Treaty banning nuclear weapons.

Later in the day he met with some of the CICD committee members.

This was followed by a social dinner attended by 14 people including Nic McClellan who is a correspondent for Islands Business magazine in Fiji, and for other regional media, and is an associate researcher with the School of Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities at Swinburne University of Technology, Jacques Boulet, Interdependent Researcher General Editor at New Community Quarterly Director Borderlands Co-operative, Hans Baer, an anthropologist and development studies specialist at the University of Melbourne and a member of the Melbourne Unitarian Church, Joan Coxsedge the first Labor woman to be elected to the Victorian Legislative Council in July 1979, anti-Vietnam War activist, Save our Sons campaigner, artist, peace activist and CICD member. John Speight, CICD executive Chairperson, Len Cooper, executive vice chairperson, Andrew Irving, vice chairperson, Romina Beitseen CICD Secretary, and a number of CICD committee members.

Joseph briefly spoke about his trip in Japan and the history of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the failure of the nuclear weapons states to live up to their promise to support the ban treaty.  He said we have a lot to do to get Australian to support the ban treaty. Joseph was able to share a wide range of knowledge and history of peace movement.

On Wednesday 15 August Joseph spent an hour at the community radio station 3CR. Here Romina Beitseen interviewed him for the CICD radio program Alternative News and Jan Bartlett interviewed him for Tuesday Hometime. Joseph was generous in answering questions about himself and the work he has been and is involved with and his opinion on US wars and aggression around the world.

Joseph met with Pax Christi and the Victorian Council of Churches members and friends at 11 am – there were about 13 people at the meeting. He spoke about the importance of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) adopted by the UN conference on July 7, 2017which marked a historic step forward towards a world without nuclear weapons. During the year since then, civil society movements, including Hibakusha, have joined forces with governments to support the treaty to make headway toward achieving the total abolition of nuclear weapons. There was a positive feedback from Pax Christi saying they had a very good conversation with Joseph which will, they hope, lead to ongoing contact.

This meeting was followed by Joseph enjoying a short tour to the Melbourne museum (First Peoples section). Following a visit to the CICD Hiroshima exhibition we shared a meal before the public meeting at 7 pm which was held at the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church and was attended by over 50 people.

Joseph spoke about the movement and political forces that are needed for change. He said the reason for accepting the invitation and coming such a long way is because Australia can play a central role both in helping to advance the nuclear prohibition treaty and also in doing so to help break the status quo in nuclear disarmament diplomacy. He spoke about the importance of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty which is one of the three most important treaties of the 20th Century. He explained that North Korea has nuclear weapons because of repeated threats to attack North Korea with nuclear weapons.

Joseph appealed to the audience to do education work and to campaign. He we can make a difference. Governments are not going to deliver us a nuclear free world – the only way to get it is from the people’s power from below – we have to exert the pressure to move governments.

Dr Joseph’s contribution was outstanding.  He shared a wide range of knowledge and commitment to peacemaking.

Back to Sydney

Back in Sydney Joseph addressed a function in Ashfield hosted by the Quakers. About 30 people were present and they included mainly Quakers and some religious leaders.

Joseph shared the platform with Professor Jake Lynch and Nick Deane. There was particular interest in his point about President Trump’s inconsistency — reassuring about North Korea when he does not have an agreement and aggressive about Iran when he does have an agreement.

On Friday morning Joseph had time for sight seeing and lunch at Watsons Bay before attending a 3 pm round table discussion hosted by PND.

The visit ended with a Lebanese dinner much enjoyed by all.

Some lessons

  1. The Committee

It was a great rally in Sydney and there some positives that we should take away with us. So often at different meetings there is constant moaning about how hard it is to get people out about nuclear weapons.  Well this little committee did it!

  1. We contributed to the anti-nuclear the campaigns in Sydney, Brisbane, ACT and Melbourne.
  2. We live fed the event through facebook and got nearly 900 hits
  3. We sent social tweets to Government and Opposition representatives
  4. We distributed about 200 postcards to Malcolm Turnbull about nuclear disarmament.
  5. We have made a great impact on efforts to get the ban treaty signed..

The march through the crowded shopping streets of Sydney gained us many thumbs up.

  1. To improve
  • We need to invite more people onto the committee and to advertise the date, venue and time of the meetings.
  • We should be better at sharing the jobs – too much is done by one or two
  • Publicity is our big fall down issue
  • Our affiliated groups do not contribute talent and energy but leave it all to a small donation. For example WILPF was working hard on the bike ride to Canberra while the HDC was largely ignored.)
  • Social media is improving our exposure but not our attendance.
  1. The wider debate
    • The debate has to heat up
    • We sparked some interest
    • Our live feed caught some interest
    • The media is terrible
    • The growing militarism of our society – commented on by Joseph Gerson.